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Golden Rouen

What a beautiful day that was! ( photo by Maxime Delobel) I love only pole vault events - of course, because I watch only my favorite sport and what is most important, both women's and men's categories. I am splitting this competition into two different posts, of course, I don't want to mix it up too much and I don't want this post to be too long. Perche Elite Tour Rouen had the best cast. Maybe we did not see Piotr Lisek (who was watching the event on TV, cheering for the others), Robert Sobera, or Ernest Obiena, but the American - French, plus Swedish, line - up was doing the job perfectly. Only the graphic sometimes didn't... 10th place was taken by Thibaut Collet, who cleared the bar 5.30, 5.45( in the 2nd attempt) and failed at 5.60. It was the bar just 2 centimeters lower than his personal best. Otherwise, his attempts at the beginning looked very good so we can hope for higher jumps of his. 9th - another Collet, Mathieu. Just like his brother, he cleared 5.30...

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